


联系方式:zhangxiaoyong @scau.edu.cn




20172月—至今  华南农业大学 至尊国际zz7022 副研究员

201412月—20171月  中国科学院南海海洋研究所 海洋生物室 副研究员

20107月—201411月  中国科学院南海海洋研究所 海洋生物室 助理研究员


20079月—20106月  中国科学院成都生物研究所 环境科学专业 理学博士

20049月—20076月  华南农业大学生命科学院 生物化学与分子生物学专业 理学硕士

19979月—20016月  华南农业大学生命科学院 生物技术专业 理学学士


广东水产学会会员,《Science of the Total Environment》、《World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology》、《Fungal Biology》、《Archives of Microbiology》、《FEMS Microbiology Letters》、《中国抗生素杂志》、《热带海洋科学》、《广西科学》等十余个国内外杂志的审稿人。




  1. 广东省海洋经济发展(海洋六大产业)专项资金项目“海藻多糖调控肿瘤代谢的特征全谱模型的构建及应用”,2020–2022,主持

  2. 国家重点研发计划子课题“亚热带海珍品底播生态增养殖技术研发与模式构建”,2019–2022,参与

  3. 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室开放基金“深海青霉SCSIO z049的群感效应抑制剂及其抗污损活性物质的研究”,2019–2021 ,主持

  4. 广东省渔业生态环境重点实验开放基金“广东沿海微塑料分布特征及其生态风险评估”,  2019–2021,主持

  5. 广东省功能食品活性物质重点实验室开放基金“南海鳞海底柏柳珊瑚共附生真菌活性物质的挖掘”,2019–2021,主持

  6. 广州市科学研究专项“海洋草酸青霉高产抗肿瘤活性物质Oxalicumone A 的代谢调控”,20162018,主持

  7. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目“南海北部深海真菌的多样性及其生物学功能研究”,20132015,主持

  8. 国家科技支撑计划子课题“微生物代谢产物为母体的农药研究”,2011–2015,主持

  9. 中科院应用与环境微生物重点实验室开放基金“ABA合成基因簇各编码蛋白质的结构功能分析”,2012–2014,主持

  10. 广东省自然科学基金博士启动项目“南海鳞海底柏柳珊瑚共附生真菌的化学生态学效应研究”,2011-2013,主持


  1. Yumiao Gao, Qingyue Meng, Xuefeng Zhou, Xiaowei Luo, Ziheng Su, Zihui Chen, Riming Huang, Yonghong Liu*, Xiaoyong Zhang*. How do environmentally friendly antifouling alkaloids affect marine fouling microbial communities? Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 820:152910.

  2.  Yunzhu Xiao, Maoyu He, Jiefen Xie, Li Liu*, Xiaoyong Zhang*.  Effects of heavy metals and organic matter fractions on the fungal communities in mangrove sediments from Techeng Isle, South China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 222:112545.

  3. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Xiongjian Xia, Ming Dai, Jianwei Cen, Lei Zhou*, Jiefen Xie*. Microplastic pollution and its relationship with the bacterial community in coastal sediments near Guangdong Province, South China. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 760:144091.

  4. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Xiao-Na Zeng, Sha Liu, Feng Wu, Yi-Yang Li, Qin Pan*. Effects of dietary four different woody forages on gut microbiota of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Aquaculture Research, 2021, 52(4):1733-1742.

  5. Zhang Xiaoyong, Li Yiyang, Yu Zonghe, Liang Xiao, Qi Shuhua*. Phylogenetic diversity and bioactivity of culturable deepsea-derived fungi from Okinawa Trough. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2021, 39:892-902.

  6. Ting Zhao#, Xiao-Yong Zhang#, Ran-Sha Deng, Zhen Tan, Guang-Ying Chen, Xu-Hua Nong*. Three new unsaturated fatty acids from marine-derived fungus Aspergillus sp.SCAU150. Natural Product Research, 2021, doi:10.1080/14786419.2021.1903002.

  7. Yu-Miao Gao, Ke-Shu Zou, Lei Zhou, Xian-De Huang, Yi-Yang Li, Xiang-Yang Gao, Xiao Chen*, Xiao-Yong Zhang*. Deep insights into gut microbiota in four carnivorous coral reef fishes from the South China Sea. Microorganisms, 2020, 8: 426.

  8. Meixia Guo, Jun Liu, Zhenlin Xu, Jie Wang, Taotao Li, Hongtao Lei, Xuewu Duan, Yuanming Sun, Xiaoyong Zhang*, Riming Huang*. Methoxy-1,4-naphthoquinone induces metabolic shifts in Penicillium Digitatum revealed by high-dimensional biological data. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68:9697-9706.

  9. Liang-jing Lin, Fang-min Du, Jian Zeng, Zi-jian Liang, Xiao-Yong Zhang*, Xiang-Yang Gao*. Deep insights into fungal diversity in traditional Chinese sour soup by Illumina MiSeq sequencing. Food Research International, 2020,137: 109439

  10. Liangjing Lin, Jinyuan Wu, Xi Chen, Libiao Huang, Xiaoyong Zhang*, Xiangyang Gao*. The role of the bacterial community in producing a peculiar smell in Chinese fermented sour soup. Microorganisms, 2020, 8: 1270.

  11. Feng Wu, Biao Chen, Sha Liu, Xiongjian Xia, Liuling Gao, Xiaoyong Zhang*, Qing Pan*. Effects of woody forages on biodiversity and bioactivity of aerobic culturable gut bacteria of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). PLoS One, 2020, 15: e0235560.

  12. Zhuo-Bin Huang, Xiong-Jian Xia, Zi-Hao Huang, Li Xu, Xiao-Yong Zhang*, Ri-Yuan Huang*. Selective C–H dithiocarbamation of arenes and antifungal activity evaluation. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2020, 18:1369.

  13. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Hui-Li Hao, Stanley Chun Kwan Lau, Huai-You Wang, Yu Han, Li-Mei Dong*, Ri-Ming Huang*. Biodiversity and antifouling activity of fungi associated with two soft corals from the South China Sea. Archives of Microbiology, 2019, 201(6): 757-767.

  14. Hui-Li Hao, Man-Qin Fu, Ru Yan, Bao-Lin He, Mei-Ying Li, Qia-Biao Liu, Yi-Mian Cai, Xiao-Yong Zhang*, Ri-Ming Huang*. Chemical composition and immunostimulatory properties of green alga Caulerpa racemosa var peltata. Food and Agricultural Immunology, 2019, 3: 937-954.

  15. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Wen Fu, Xiao Chen, Mu-Ting Yan, Xian-De Huang, Jie Bao*. Phylogenetic analysis and antifouling potentials of culturable fungi in mangrove sediments from Techeng Isle, China. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2018, 34, 90.

  16. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Amin Muhammad, Xin-Ya Xu, Shu-Hua Qi*. Antifouling potentials and metabolite profiles of two marine-derived fungal isolates. Natural Product Communication, 2018, 13: 423-426.

  17. Yong-Chun Liu, Ri-Ming Huang, Jie Bao, Ke-Yue Wu, Heng-Yu Wu, Xiang-Yang Gao, Xiao-Yong Zhang*, The unexpected diversity of microbial communities associated with black corals revealed by high-throughput Illumina sequencing. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2018, 365: fny167.

  18. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Guang-Hua Wang, Xin-Ya Xu, Xu-Hua Nong, Jie Wang, Muhammad Amin, Shu-Hua Qi*. Exploring fungal diversity in deep-sea sediments from Okinawa Trough using high-throughput Illumina sequencing. Deep-Sea Research I, 2016, 116: 99-105.

  19. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Xin-Ya Xu, Jiang Peng, Chun-Feng Ma, Xu-Hua Nong, Jie Bao, Guang-Zhao Zhang, Shu-Hua Qi*, Antifouling potentials of eight deep sea derived fungi from the South China Sea. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2014, 41: 741-748.

  20. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Gui-Ling Tang, Xin-Ya Xu, Xu-Hua Nong, Shu-Hua Qi*. Insights into deep-sea sediment fungal communities from the East Indian Ocean using targeted environmental sequencing combined with traditional cultivation. PLoS One, 9(10): e109118.

  21. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Jie Bao, Juan Zhong, Xin-Ya Xu, Shu-Hua Qi*. Enhanced production of a novel cytotoxic chromone oxalicumone A by marine - derived mutant Penicillium oxalicum SCSIO 24–2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 97:9657-9663.

  22. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Jie Bao, Fei He, Xin-Ya Xu, Shu-Hua Qi*. Diversity and antibacterial activity of culturable actinobacteria isolated from five species of the South China Sea gorgonian corals. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 29:1107-1116.

  23. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Yun Zhang, Xin-Ya Xu, Shu-Hua Qi*. Diverse deep-sea fungi from the South China Sea and their antimicrobial activity. Current Microbiology, 2013, 67:525-530.

  24. Jiang Peng#, Xiao-Yong Zhang#, Xin-Ya Xu, Fei He, Shu-Hua Qi*. Diversity and chemical defense role of culturable non-actinobacterial bacteria isolated from the South China Sea gorgonians. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2013, 23:437-443.

  25. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Jie Bao, Guang-Hua Wang, Fei He, Xin-Ya Xu, Shu-Hua Qi*. Diversity and antimicrobial activity of culturable fungi isolated from six species of the South China Sea gorgonian corals, Microbial Ecology, 2012, 64:617-627.

  26. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Yu-Lin Sun, Jie Bao, Fei He, Xin-Ya Xu, Shu-Hua Qi*. Phylogenetic survey and antimicrobial activity of culturable microorganisms associated with the South China Sea black coral Antipathes dichotoma. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2012, 336:122-130.


  1. Xiao-Yong Zhang, Shu-Hua Qi*. Chapter 6- Microbes in Gorgonian and Soft Corals. In: Zhi-Yong Li (Eds.), Symbiotic Microbiomes of Coral Reefs Sponges and Corals. Springer Press, 2019.

  2. 海洋生物资源评价与保护(张偲 主编) , 科学出版社, 2016年出版.


  1. 张晓勇, 吴可越, 胡伟慧, 陈骁, 一种水产饲料投料装置, 专利号: ZL202022843903, 授权公告日: 2021.8.6.

  2. 汤日元, 黄卓斌, 张晓勇, 一类二硫代氨基甲酸酯化化合物及其制备方法和应用, 专利号: ZL201911021743, 授权公告日: 2021.4.23.

  3. 张晓勇, 谢洁芬, 陈骁, 黄仙德, 一种海洋养殖用多层复合高效过滤网片, 专利号: ZL201820581560, 授权公告日: 2019.5.14.

  4. 张晓勇, 陈骁, 谢洁芬, 黄仙德, 一种海洋养殖用防水耐磨腐蚀绳缆, 专利号: ZL201820581561, 授权公告日: 2018.12.21.

  5. 陈骁, 张晓勇, 黄仙德, 一种海洋养殖人工渔礁石, 专利号: ZL201820583084, 授权公告日: 2018.12.21.

  6. 黄仙德, 陈骁, 张晓勇, 一种鱼苗养殖运输装置, 专利号: ZL2018205824209, 授权公告日:  2019.3.26.

  7. 陈骁, 谢洁芬, 张晓勇, 黄仙德, 一种海洋养殖用减震型滤网, 专利号: ZL201820581564, 授权公告日: 2018.12.21.

  8. 黄仙德, 谢洁芬, 陈骁, 张晓勇, 一种浪海洋养殖网箱, 专利号:ZL2018205815623, 授权公告日: 2019. 3. 1.

  9. 黄仙德, 陈骁, 谢洁芬, 张晓勇, 一种海洋养殖用可分割调节式网箱, 专利号:ZL201820582102, 授权公告日: 2018. 4.23.

  10. 漆淑华, 农旭华, 张晓勇, 徐新亚, 一类丁烯酸内酯化合物在制备抗海洋生物污损涂料中的应用, 专利号: ZL201410583640, 授权公告日: 2017. 2. 1.

  11. 漆淑华, 姚期凤, 王洁, 张晓勇, 农旭华, 徐新亚, 两个色酮类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用, 专利号: ZL201410706527,  授权公告日: 2017. 5.24.

  12. 漆淑华, 张晓勇, 彭江, 徐新亚, 一类生物碱类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗海洋生物污损涂料与抗肿瘤药物中的应用, 专利号: ZL201310135149, 授权公告日: 2015. 8. 9.

  13. 漆淑华, 张晓勇, 徐新亚, 一类苯并杂环生物碱在制备抗海洋生物污损涂料中的应用, 专利号: ZL201310682038, 授权公告日: 2015. 6.24.

  14. 漆淑华, 张晓勇, 彭江, 一株产表面活性素和伊枯草菌素A类化合物的甲基营养型芽孢杆菌及其应用, 专利号: ZL201210431946, 授权公告日: 2014. 8.6.

  15. 漆淑华, 孙玉林, 张晓勇, 贺飞, 鲍洁, 一类含硫色酮类化合物及其制备方法和在制备抗肿瘤药物中的应用, 专利号: ZL201210081918, 授权公告日: 2013. 12.18.


1.  刘永春, 南海石珊瑚微生物来源的群感效应抑制剂及其抗海洋生物污损的研究(2017) , 省级

2.  吴亨宇, 微生物诱导珊瑚共附生曲霉SCAU092产抗污损活性物质的研究(2018) , 校级

3.  胡润枝, 基于人胃类器官筛选模型的海洋曲霉SCAU140的抗肿瘤活性成分研究(2020) , 校级


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