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男,博士,研究员,广东省特支计划百千万工程青年拔尖人才。研究方向:海水鱼类抗病免疫机制及抗病制品的研制。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年基金、面上项目、973子课题等项目;在Frontiers in Immunoloogy、BMC Genomics、Cellular Microbiology、Frontiers in Microbiology等本领域重要期刊发表30多篇论文;参与授权国家发明专利3件;参与编写专著2部。


    2010.7-2012.11   中国科学院南海海洋研究所 助理研究员
    2012.12-2017.6    中国科学院南海海洋研究所 副研究员
     2017.7- 今             华南农业大学至尊国际zz7022 研究员


    2000.9-2004.6   鲁东大学 生物科学本科
    2004.9-2007.6     江西农业大学 微生物学硕士
    2007.9-2010.6    中山大学 海洋生物学博士







    (3)中国科学院青年促进会会员: 2015.1 -2018.12,在研,主持;
    (4)中国科学院先导专项专题:深海微生物工业酶的深入挖掘,2014.1 -2017.12,在研,主持;
    (5)科技部863项目:海水养殖鱼类主要病毒和细菌性病原亚单位疫苗的研发 2014.04-2016.12,已结题,主持;
    (8)广东省自然科学基金博士启动基金:石斑鱼肿瘤坏死因子超家族新成员TTRAP   的抗病毒功能研究(S2011040000953)2011.10-2013.10,已结题,主持;
    (9)广州市科技计划项目:石斑鱼免疫抗病功能基因制品的研发(2014J4100213) 2014.04-2016.04,已结题,主持;
    (10)中国科学院南海海洋研究所青年人才领域前沿项目-优秀青年基:石斑鱼抗氧化蛋白酶peroxiredoxin   IV的克隆表达及在炎症反应中的作用研究(SQ201203) 2012.12 -2015.11,已结题,主持。


    (1)Wei   JG, Zang SQ, Xu M, Zheng QJ, Chen XL, *Qin QW. TRAF6 is a critical factor in   fish immune response to virus infection. Fish & Shellfish   Immunology,2017(60): 6-12
    (2)Xie HW, Wei JG, *Qin QW. Antiviral function of Tachyplesin I against iridovirus   and nodavirus. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2016 (58) 96-102. (共同第一作者)
    (3) Chen XL, *Wei JG, Xu M, Yang M, Lei PF, Wei   SN, Huang YH, *Qin QW.Molecular cloning and characterization of a galectin-1   homolog in orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Fish & Shellfish   Immunology, 2016 (54) 333-341(共同通讯作者).
    (4) Xu M, *Wei JG, Chen XL, Gao P, Zhou RC, *Qin QW. Molecular cloning and   expression analysis of small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) genes from   grouper (Epinephelus coioides).Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2016 (48)   119-127(共同通讯作者).
    (5) WeiJ G, Xu M, Chen XL,Zhang P, Li PF, Wei SN, Yan Y, *Qin QW. Function   analysis of fish Tollip gene in response to virus infection. Fish &   Shellfish Immunology, 2015 (47) 807-816.
    (6)Wei JG, Zhang P, Guo ML, Xu M, Li   PF, Chen XL, Gao P, Wei SN, *Qin QW. TTRAP is a critical factor in grouper   immune response to virus infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2015,   46:274-284.
    (7)Wei JG, Gao P, Zhang P, Guo ML, Xu   M, Wei SN, Yan Y, *Qin QW. Isolation and function analysis of apolipoprotein   A-I gene response to virus infection in grouper. Fish & Shellfish   Immunology, 2015, 43:396-404.
    (8)Ji HS, Wei JG, Wei SN, Yan Y, Huang   YH, Huang XH, Zhou S, Zhou RC, *Qin QW. Molecular cloning and expression of a   C-type lectin-like protein from orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides.   Journal of Fish Biology, 2014, 84, 436–447(共同第一作者).
    (9)Wei JG, Guo ML, Gao P, Ji HS, Li   PF, Yan Y, *Qin QW. Isolation and characterization of tumor necrosis factor   receptorassociated factor 6 (TRAF6) from grouper, Epinephelus tauvina. Fish   & Shellfish Immunology, 2014, 39:61-68.
    (10)Wei JG, Ji HS, Guo ML, Yan Y, *Qin   QW. Identification and characterization of TRP14, a thioredoxin-related   protein of 14 kDa from orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Fish   & Shellfish Immunology, 2013, 35:1670-1676.
    (11)Wei JG, Guo ML, Ji HS, *Qin QW.   Molecular cloning, characterization of one key molecule of teleost innate   immunity from orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides): serum amyloid A.   Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 2013, 34: 296-304.
    (12)Wei JG, Guo ML, Ji HS, Yan Y,   Ouyang ZL, Huang XH, Hang YH, *Qin QW. Cloning, characterization, and   expression analysis of a thioredoxin from orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus   coioides). Developmental & Comparative Immunology.2012, 38:108-116.
    (13)Wei JG, Ji HS, Guo ML, *Qin QW.   Isolation and characterization of a thioredoxin domain-containing protein 12   from orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides.  Fish & Shellfish Immunology.   2012,33:667-673.
    (14) Wei JG, Guo ML, Ji HS, Yan Y,   Ouyang ZL, Huang XH, Hang YH, *Qin QW. Grouper translationally controlled   tumor protein prevents cell death and inhibits the replication of Singapore   grouper iridovirus (SGIV). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 2012, 33:916-925.
    (15)Wei JG, Guo ML, Cui HC, Yan Y,   Ouyang ZL, *Qin QW. A new leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin-2 from marine   fish grouper, Epinephelus coioides: Molecular cloning and expression   analysis. Fish & Shellfsih Immunology. 2011.31: 600-605.
    (16) Wei JG, Xu D, Zhou JG, Cui HC, Yan   Y, Ouyan ZL, Gong J, Huang YH, Huang XH, *Qin QW. Molecular cloning,   characterization and expression analysis of a C-type lectin (Ec-CTL) in   orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Fish & Shellfish Immunology.   2010. 28(1): 178-186.
    (21)一种红树林克雷伯氏菌及其在发酵法生产1,3-丙二醇中的应用,ZL201210053231.X   ,周胜,秦启伟,魏京广,李莉莉,付静; 发明专利,授权。