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男,华南农业大学教授,博导,美国康奈尔大学访问学者,广东省现代农业产业体系岗位专家,至尊国际zz7022水生动物医学系主任。长期从事水产动物免疫学及病害防控研究,近年来主要围绕对我国海水养殖业造成严重危害的刺激隐核虫病开展免疫防控研究,在宿主抗刺激隐核虫感染的免疫防御机制、刺激隐核虫的疫苗研发(灭活疫苗、亚单位疫苗、活疫苗)等方面取得了一系列的高水平研究成果。近年来主持7A类项目,4B类项目,9C类项目,第一作者或通讯作者在Reviews in AquacultureFrontiers in ImmunologyAquaculture等国际知名杂志发表SCI论文70余篇,获得授权专利13项,荣获广东省科学技术二等奖1项,校级教学一等奖和二等奖各1项,指导研究生获得国家奖学金3人次,省级优秀研究生3人次,校级优秀毕业研究生6人次,校级优秀研究生学位论文7篇。


2013.12-2015.01,美国康奈尔大学(Cornell University)兽医学院微生物和免疫学系,访问学者;


1997.09-2000.07,西南师范大学生命科学学院,动物学专业, 获理学硕士学位,导师:张耀光;



2006.12-今 华南农业大学海洋学院水生动物医学系,水产养殖副教授、教授;


2000.9-2006.12 广东省水产学校,水产养殖讲师、高级讲师

1995.7-1997.9 四川省峨眉山市平城中学,生物学教师


  1. 郭文杰, 韩锐, 许为镇, 李言伟, 但学明, 大口黑鲈杀鱼爱德华氏菌的分离鉴定及耐药性分析, 水产学杂志 36(6) (2023) 50-55.

  2. S. Zeng, Y. Duan, X. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Mo, X. Dan, Y. Li, Effects of Cryptocaryon irritans infection on the histopathology, oxidative stress, immune response, and intestinal microbiota in the orange-spotted grouper Epinephelus coioides, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 133 (2023) 108562.

  3. H. Wu, X. Lai, W. Guo, X. Li, Y. Hu, X. Dan, Y. Li, Z. Mo, Manganese improved Trachinotus ovatus immune against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Aquaculture 576 (2023) 739835.

  4. J.-L. Wang, Y.-C. Chen, J.-J. Deng, Z.-Q. Mo, M.-S. Zhang, Z.-D. Yang, J.-R. Zhang, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, X.-C. Luo, Synergic chitin degradation by Streptomyces sp. SCUT-3 chitinases and their applications in chitinous waste recycling and pathogenic fungi biocontrol, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 225 (2023) 987-996.

  5. X. Li, H. Chen, Y. Cen, J. Wang, N. Ni, X. Dan, Z. Mo, Y. Li, Immobilization antigens provide orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) protection against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Aquaculture 575 (2023) 739722.

  6. X. Lai, H. Wu, W. Guo, X. Li, J. Wang, Y. Duan, P. Zhang, Z. Huang, Y. Li, G. Dong, X. Dan, Z. Mo, Vibrio harveyi co-infected with Cryptocaryon irritans to orange-spotted groupers Epinephelus coioides, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 139 (2023) 108879.

  7. R. Han, Y. Hong, R. Xu, W. Guo, M. Zhang, Z. Lu, Q. Han, Z. Mo, X. Dan, Y. Li, Genomic evidence of genetic diversity and functional evolution in Flavobacterium columnare, Frontiers in microbiology 14 (2023) 1240471.

  8. W. Guo, R. Han, W. Xu, Z. Lu, Y. Li, X. Dan, Z. Mo, The protective effect of inactivated Flavobacterium columnare vaccine in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), Frontiers in Immunology 14 (2023) 1162975.

  9. Z. Mo, H. Wu, Y. Hu, X. Lai, W. Guo, Y. Duan, X. Dan, Y. Li, Protection of grouper against Cryptocaryon irritans by immunization with Tetrahymena thermophila and protective cross-reactive antigen identification, Frontiers in Immunology 13 (2022) 891643.

  10. Y. Li, B. Jiang, Z. Mo, A. Li, X. Dan, Cryptocaryon irritans (Brown, 1951) is a serious threat to aquaculture of marine fish, Reviews in Aquaculture 14(1) (2022) 218-236.

  11. Q. Han, H. Chen, Y. Hu, R. Han, Z. Mo, X. Luo, X. Dan, Y. Li, Th cell transcription factors: Sequence characteristics and expression profiles in Epinephelus coioides after Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Aquaculture 546 (2022) 737349.

  12. Y. Duan, S. Zeng, Z. Lu, X. Dan, Z. Mo, Y. Xing, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Responses of lipid metabolism and lipidomics in the hepatopancreas of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei to microcystin-LR exposure, Science of The Total Environment 820 (2022) 153245.

  13. Y. Duan, Y. Xing, S. Zeng, X. Dan, Z. Mo, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Integration of metagenomic and metabolomic insights into the effects of microcystin-LR on intestinal microbiota of Litopenaeus vannamei, Frontiers in microbiology 13 (2022) 994188.

  14. Y. Duan, Z. Lu, S. Zeng, X. Dan, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Effects of dietary arachidonic acid on growth, immunity and intestinal microbiota of Litopenaeus vannamei under microcystin-LR stress, Aquaculture 549 (2022) 737780.

  15. H.-P. Chen, X.-L. Lai, R. Han, Y.-F. Duan, Z.-Q. Mo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Production of monoclonal antibody against grouper (Epinephelus coioides) CD4-1 and the distribution of CD4-1+ cells, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 123 (2022) 453-459.

  16. Z.-Q. Mo, H.-C. Wu, Y.-T. Hu, Z.-J. Lu, X.-L. Lai, H.-P. Chen, Z.-C. He, X.-C. Luo, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, Transcriptomic analysis reveals innate immune mechanisms of an underlying parasite-resistant grouper hybrid (Epinephelus fuscogutatus × Epinephelus lanceolatus), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 119 (2021) 67-75.

  17. Z. Mo, B. Jiang, X. Lai, H. Wu, X. Luo, X. Dan, Y. Li, Characterization and functional analysis of hybrid pearl gentian grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus♂ × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus♀) complement C3 against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports 2 (2021) 100032.

  18. Z. Lu, R. Gao, Y. Duan, R. Han, W. Guo, X. Dan, Y. Li, Isolation and genetic characterization of Flavobacterium columnare from grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, in China, Aquaculture 541 (2021) 736762.

  19. Q. Han, Y. Hu, Z. Lu, J. Wang, H. Chen, Z. Mo, X. Luo, A. Li, X. Dan, Y. Li, Study on the characterization of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) immunoglobulin T and its positive cells, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 118 (2021) 102-110.

  20. Q. Han, R. Han, X. Lai, J. Wang, Y. Hu, X. Luo, A. Li, Z. Mo, Y. Li, X. Dan, Sequence characteristics and expression profiles of Pax-5 and Blimp-1 in Epinephelus coioides following parasite infection and bacterial vaccination, Aquaculture Reports 20 (2021) 100725.

  21. Y. Duan, Z. Lu, S. Zeng, X. Dan, Z. Mo, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Integration of intestinal microbiota and transcriptomic and metabolomic responses reveals the toxic responses of Litopenaeus vannamei to microcystin-LR, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 228 (2021) 113030.

  22. Y. Duan, H. Chen, J. Wang, S. Zeng, Y. Wang, Z. Mo, X. Dan, Y. Li, Response signatures of Litopenaeus vannamei to natural Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei infection revealed by the integration of the microbiome and transcriptome, Aquaculture 542 (2021) 736885.

  23. J.-L. Wang, H.-Q. Wang, Z.-Q. Mo, L. Zhou, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, Orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) NADPH oxidase: Cloning and expression analysis after Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 99 (2020) 291-300.

  24. L.-Y. Ni, H.-P. Chen, R. Han, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, J.-Z. Li, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Distribution of Mpeg1+ cells in healthy grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and after Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 104 (2020) 222-227.

  25. Z.-Q. Mo, X.-L. Lai, W.-T. Wang, H.-P. Chen, Z.-C. He, R. Han, J.-L. Wang, X.-C. Luo, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, Identification and characterization of c-raf from orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 96 (2020) 311-318.

  26. R. Han, J.-L. Wang, H.-P. Chen, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, IκB kinase α-1 and -2 regulate cytokine expression in the orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 101 (2020) 291-301.

  27. R. Han, J. Wang, H. Chen, X. Luo, A. Li, X. Dan, Y. Li, Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) IRAK-4 regulates activation of NF-κB and expression of inflammatory cytokines in grouper spleen cells, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 106 (2020) 938-947.

  28. J.-J. Deng, S. Xu, Y.-W. Li, D.-D. Xu, Z.-Q. Mo, J.-Z. Li, X.-M. Dan, X.-C. Luo, Role of major histocompatibility complex II antigen-presentation pathway genes in orange-spotted grouper infected with Cryptocaryon irritans, Journal of Fish Diseases 43(12) (2020) 1541-1552.

  29. 李言伟, 江飚, 但学明, 李安兴, 鱼类抗刺激隐核虫感染的黏膜免疫研究进展, 水产学报 43(1) (2019) 156-167.

  30. M. Yang, R. Han, L.-Y. Ni, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, K.W.-K. Tsim, Y.-W. Li, Molecular characteristics and function study of TNF receptor-associated factor 5 from grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 87 (2019) 730-736.

  31. M. Yang, R. Han, L.-Y. Ni, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Molecular characteristics and functional study of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2 from the orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 84 (2019) 726-732.

  32. Y.-L. Su, G. Chen, L.-S. Chen, J.-Z. Li, G. Wang, J.-Y. He, T.-Y. Zhan, Y.-W. Li, M.-T. Yan, Y.-H. Huang, Q.-W. Qin, X.-M. Dan, H.-Y. Sun, Effects of antimicrobial peptides on serum biochemical parameters, antioxidant activity and non-specific immune responses in Epinephelus coioides, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 86 (2019) 1081-1087.

  33. L.-Y. Ni, Q. Han, H.-P. Chen, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Mpeg1s: Molecular identification, expression analysis, and antimicrobial activity, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 92 (2019) 690-697.

  34. Z.-Q. Mo, R. Han, J.-L. Wang, L.-Y. Ni, Y.-L. Su, X.-L. Lai, Z.-C. He, H.-P. Chen, Y.-W. Li, H.-Y. Sun, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Characterization and functional analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) MEK1 and MEK2, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 84 (2019) 1090-1097.

  35. Z.Q. Mo, S. Xu, D.M. Cassidy-Hanley, Y.W. Li, D. Kolbin, J.M. Fricke, A.X. Li, T.G. Clark, X.M. Dan, Characterization and immune regulation role of an immobilization antigen from Cryptocaryon irritans on groupers, Scientific reports 9(1) (2019) 1029.

  36. Y.-W. Li, X. Zhang, Y.-J. Cai, S.-Y. Chen, H.-Y. Sun, X.-M. Dan, Effective method to control Vibrio mimicus infection in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, African Journal of Biotechnology 18(27) (2019) 603-611.

  37. B. Jiang, J.-J. Du, Y.-w. Li, P. Ma, Y.-Z. Hu, A.-X. Li, Transcriptome analysis provides insights into molecular immune mechanisms of rabbitfish, Siganus oramin against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 88 (2019) 111-116.

  38. Y.-Z. Hu, X. Li, R. Han, B. Jiang, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, A.-X. Li, Molecular identification and expression analysis of TAB1 from orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Developmental & Comparative Immunology 90 (2019) 152-156.

  39. R. Han, Y.-l. Zeng, L.-Y. Ni, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) MyD88 adaptor-like (Mal): Molecular cloning, expression, and functionality, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 93 (2019) 308-312.

  40. J.-L. Wang, G.-F. Lao, Y.-W. Li, M. Yang, Z.-Q. Mo, X.-M. Dan, Effects of temperature and host species on the life cycle of Cryptocaryon irritans, Aquaculture 485 (2018) 49-52.

  41. H.-Q. Wang, L. Zhou, M. Yang, X.-C. Luo, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, Identification and characterization of myeloperoxidase in orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 72 (2018) 230-236.

  42. H.-Y. Sun, M.-Z. Huang, Z.-Q. Mo, L.-S. Chen, G. Chen, M. Yang, L.-Y. Ni, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, Characterization and expression patterns of ERK1 and ERK2 from Epinephelus coioides against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 74 (2018) 393-400.

  43. H.-Y. Sun, X.-H. Cao, Y.-F. Jiang, L.-Y. Ni, Z.-Q. Mo, Q.-w. Qin, Y.-W. Li, X.-M. Dan, Outbreak of a novel disease associated with Citrobacter freundii infection in freshwater cultured stingray, Potamotrygon motoro, Aquaculture 492 (2018) 35-39.

  44. Z.-Q. Mo, J.-L. Wang, R. Han, Q. Han, Y.-W. Li, H.-Y. Sun, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Identification and functional analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) B-cell linker protein BLNK, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 81 (2018) 399-407.

  45. Z.-Q. Mo, Q. Han, Y.-L. Zeng, J.-L. Wang, X.-Z. Li, Y.-W. Li, H.-Y. Sun, A.-X. Li, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Molecular characterization and function analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Bruton's tyrosine kinase BTK, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 77 (2018) 91-99.

  46. Y.-W. Li, R. Han, J.-L. Wang, M. Yang, X.-M. Dan, A.-X. Li, Molecular identification and functional characterization of IRAK-3 from a teleost fish, the orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 81 (2018) 383-389.

  47. B. Jiang, Y. Li, A. Li, The development of Cryptocaryon irritans in a less susceptible host rabbitfish, Siganus oramin, Parasitol Res 117(12) (2018) 3835-3842.

  48. S. Guo, Z. Mo, Z. Wang, J. Xu, Y. Li, X. Dan, A. Li, Isolation and pathogenicity of Streptococcus iniae in offshore cage-cultured Trachinotus ovatus in China, Aquaculture 492 (2018) 247-252.

  49. 吴岗, 王海青, 郭秀玲, 周海林, 季晨, 但学明, 一种新型聚维酮碘制剂对卤虫卵及无节幼体的活体消毒试验, 水产科技情报 44(4) (2017) 205-209.

  50. M. Yang, L. Zhou, H.-Q. Wang, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Molecular cloning and expression analysis of CCL25 and its receptor CCR9s from Epinephelus coioides post Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 67 (2017) 402-410.

  51. H.-Y. Sun, M.-Z. Huang, Y.-W. Li, J.-H. Huang, Z.-Q. Mo, R.-A. Chen, X.-M. Dan, Two novel p38 MAPKs identified from Epinephelus coioides and their expression pattern in response to Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 67 (2017) 459-466.

  52. L.-Y. Ni, L. Zhou, H.-Q. Wang, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Y.-W. Li, Identification and expression analysis of three XCR1-like receptors from Epinephelus coioides after Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 67 (2017) 95-102.

  53. Z.-Q. Mo, J.-L. Wang, M. Yang, L.-Y. Ni, H.-Q. Wang, G.-F. Lao, Y.-W. Li, A.-X. Li, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Characterization and expression analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) co-stimulatory molecules CD83 and CD80/86 post Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 67 (2017) 467-474.

  54. Z.-X. Li, Y.-W. Li, S. Xu, Y. Xu, Z.-Q. Mo, X.-M. Dan, X.-C. Luo, Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) TCR signaling pathway was involved in response against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 64 (2017) 176-184.

  55. B. Jiang, Y.-W. Li, Y.-Z. Hu, H.-L. Luo, A.-X. Li, Characterization and expression analysis of six interleukin-17 receptor genes in grouper (Epinephelus coioides) after Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 69 (2017) 46-51.

  56. J.-S. Bai, Y.-W. Li, Y. Deng, Y.-Q. Huang, S.-H. He, J. Dai, S.-Z. Zhao, X.-M. Dan, X.-C. Luo, Molecular identification and expression analysis of TLR5M and TLR5S from orange-spotted grouper (Epinepheluscoioides), Fish & Shellfish Immunology 63 (2017) 97-102.

  57. 方伟, 但学明, 李言伟, 黄颡鱼“裂头病”的病原分离与鉴定, 科学养鱼 8 (2016) 61-62.

  58. Z.-Q. Mo, M. Yang, H.-Q. Wang, Y. Xu, M.-Z. Huang, G.-F. Lao, Y.-W. Li, A.-X. Li, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) BCR signaling pathway was involved in response against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 57 (2016) 198-205.

  59. Z.-Q. Mo, Y.-W. Li, H.-Q. Wang, J.-L. Wang, L.-Y. Ni, M. Yang, G.-F. Lao, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Comparative transcriptional profile of the fish parasite Cryptocaryon irritans, Parasites & Vectors 9(1) (2016) 630.

  60. Y.-W. Li, F. Zhao, Z.-Q. Mo, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Characterization, expression, and functional study of IRAK-1 from grouper, Epinephelus coioides, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 56 (2016) 374-381.

  61. Y.-W. Li, D.-D. Xu, X. Li, Z.-Q. Mo, X.-C. Luo, A.-X. Li, X.-M. Dan, Identification and characterization of three TLR1 subfamily members from the orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, Developmental & Comparative Immunology 61 (2016) 180-189.

  62. B. Jiang, Y.W. Li, A.Y. Abdullahi, X.M. Dan, H. Gong, Q.Z. Ke, A.X. Li, G.Q. Li, Placemat and rotational culturing: A novel method to control Cryptocaryon irritans infection by removing tomonts, Aquaculture 459 (2016) 84-88.

  63. L.L. Zhou, X.M. Dan, Y.W. Li, X.X. Li, X.L. Chen, Y. Li, L. Gan, Effect of reducing 3.2% dietary protein level on the growth performance and immunity of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with supplementation of multi amino acids, Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences 14(4) (2015) 997-1009.

  64. Z.-Q. Mo, L. Zhou, X. Zhang, L. Gan, L. Liu, X.-M. Dan, Outbreak of Edwardsiella tarda infection in farm-cultured giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata in China, Fisheries Science 81(5) (2015) 899-905.

  65. Z.-Q. Mo, Y.-W. Li, L. Zhou, A.-X. Li, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) IL-34/MCSF2 and MCSFR1/MCSFR2 were involved in mononuclear phagocytes activation against Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 43(1) (2015) 142-149.

  66. Z.-Q. Mo, R.-A. Chen, Y.-W. Li, X.-Z. Huang, A.-X. Li, X.-C. Luo, X.-M. Dan, Characterization and expression analysis of two novel CCR6 chemokine receptors and their three potential ligands CCL20Ls of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) post Cryptocaryon irritans infection, Fish & Shellfish Immunology 47(1) (2015) 280-288.

  67. X. Zhang, Y.-W. Li, Z.-Q. Mo, X.-C. Luo, H.-Y. Sun, P. Liu, A.-X. Li, S.-M. Zhou, X.-M. Dan, Outbreak of a novel disease associated with Vibrio mimicus infection in fresh water cultured yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Aquaculture 432(0) (2014) 119-124.

  68. X.-M. Dan, G.-J. Yan, A.-J. Zhang, Z.-D. Cao, S.-J. Fu, Effects of stable and diel-cycling hypoxia on hypoxia tolerance, postprandial metabolic response, and growth performance in juvenile qingbo (Spinibarbus sinensis), Aquaculture 428–429 (2014) 21-28.

  69. X.M. Dan, Z.P. Zhong, Y.W. Li, X.C. Luo, A.X. Li, Cloning and expression analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) M-CSFR gene post Cryptocaryon irritans infection and distribution of M-CSFR(+) cells, Fish Shellfish Immunol 35(2) (2013) 240-8.

  70. [74] X.M. Dan, T.W. Zhang, Y.W. Li, A.X. Li, Immune responses and immune-related gene expression profile in orange-spotted grouper after immunization with Cryptocaryon irritans vaccine, Fish Shellfish Immunol 34(3) (2013) 885-91.

  71. X.M. Dan, X.T. Lin, Y.X. Yan, N. Teng, Z.L. Tan, A.X. Li, A technique for the preservation of Cryptocaryon irritans at low temperatures, Aquaculture 297(1-4) (2009) 112-115.

  72. 但学明, 李安兴, 林小涛, 柏建山, 张海发, 卵形鲳鯵对刺激隐核虫的免疫应答和免疫保护研究, 水生生物学报 32(1) (2008) 13-18.

  73. X.M. Dan, A.X. Li, X.T. Lin, N. Teng, X.Q. Zhu, A standardized method to propagate Cryptocaryon irritans on a susceptible host pompano Trachinotus ovatus, Aquaculture 258(1-4) (2006) 127-133.


































































































































































































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  6. 李言伟,但学明,王久乐,莫泽权,何智昌 (2021)。 一种蔗糖悬浮法计数刺激隐核虫包囊的方法(ZL201911272625.2).

  7. 但学明,李言伟,莫泽权 (2021)。一种刺激隐核虫亚单位疫苗的制备方法(ZL201710505968).

  8. 但学明,李言伟,周玲 (2020)。 一种斜带石斑鱼CCR12的基因克隆和原核表达、纯化方法(ZL201710333645.0).

  9. 但学明,李言伟,周玲 (2020)。 一种斜带石斑鱼CCR12的多克隆抗体制备方法及其应用(ZL201710333721.8).

  10. 李言伟,但学明,莫泽权 (2020)。 一种刺激隐核虫局部感染斜带石斑鱼皮肤的免疫模型构建方法(ZL201810345955).

  11. 李言伟,但学明,莫泽权 (2019)。 一种刺激隐核虫局部感染斜带石斑鱼鳃组织的免疫模型构建方法(ZL201810346051).

  12. 甘炼,但学明,周李柳,刘丽,刘鹏(2016)。 一种双色鳗幼鳗阶段粉状配合饲料(ZL201410460183.5.

  13. 李安兴,但学明 (2008)。 一种刺激隐核虫的标准化传代增殖方法及其专用收虫器(ZL200610035575).


  1. 成果鉴定证书,刺激隐核虫生物学及综合防控技术研究,2013.4.23,广州,排名第三

  2. 2014年广东省科学技术二等奖,“刺激隐核虫生物学及综合防控技术研究”,证书号:粤府证[2014]1417号,项目编号:B02-2-2-02-R03

  3. 2015年华南农业大学动物科学学院优秀班主任

  4.  2015年华南农业大学动物科学学院优秀共产党员

  5.  2021年校级教学成果一等奖,“两联动两融合”水产类新型人才培养的探索与实践,证书编号:JXCG21014

  6.  2021年校级教学成果二等奖,研究生“水产养殖技术”课程的“学研产“教学模式,证书编号:JXCG21086

  7.  2023年华南农业大学优秀共产党员


 1. 博士研究生(理学)


 2. 全日制学术型硕士研究生



 3.  全日制专业学位硕士研究生(农学)



  1. 国家奖学金:莫泽权(2015年),倪露芸(2017年),莫泽权(2018年,博士)

  2. 省级优秀毕业研究生:莫泽权(2016年),杨曼(2018年), 莫泽权(2019年,博士)

  3. 校级优秀毕业研究生:莫泽权(2016年),杨曼(2018年),王久乐(2018年),倪露芸(2019年),莫泽权(2019年,博士)

  4. 校级优秀研究生学位论文:莫泽权(2016年),王海青(2017年),杨曼(2018年),王久乐(2018年),倪露芸(2019年),莫泽权(2019年,博士)


1. 本科生课程:《水产动物疾病学》

2. 研究生课程:《水产动物免疫与病害防控学》