












2022-12至今,华南农业大学, 首聘副教授

2019-07 2022-11, 华南农业大学, 博士后


1. 2016-092019-06,华南农业大学,至尊国际zz7022,博士

2. 2013-092016-06,华南农业大学,动物科学学院,硕士

3. 2009-092013-06,华南农业大学,动物科学学院,学士


1.国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 石斑鱼黏膜IgM抗体来源及CCR6介导IgM阳性细胞归巢机制研究, 2021-012023-12, 主持

2.广东省青年优秀科研人才国际培养计划, 博士后项目, 2020-012022-12, 主持

3.广东省基础与应用基础研究-区域联合基金, 青年科学基金项目, 基于刺激隐核虫体表免疫模型的石斑鱼黏膜 IgM 抗虫免疫应答研究, 2020-012021-12, 主持

4.中国博士后基金, 面上项目, 石斑鱼黏膜IgM抗刺激隐核虫感染的作用机制研究, 2019-092021-9, 主持

5.国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 枯草芽孢杆菌表面展示虹彩病毒SGIV抗原蛋白及其诱导石斑鱼肠道黏膜免疫研究, 2021-012024-12, 参加

6.国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 不同免疫模式下刺激隐核虫诱导的石斑鱼IgMIgT应答特性, 2019-012022-12, 参加


1. Mo, Z.Q., Wu, H.C., Hu, Y.T., Lai, X.L., Guo, W.J., Duan, Y.F., Dan, X.M., Li, Y.W., 2022. Protection of Grouper Against Cryptocaryon irritans by Immunization With Tetrahymena thermophila and Protective Cross-Reactive Antigen Identification. Frontiers in Immunology. 13, 891643.

2. Mo, Z.Q., Li, Y.W., Zhou, L., Li, A.X., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2015a. Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) IL-34/MCSF2 and MCSFR1/MCSFR2 were involved in mononuclear phagocytes activation against Cryptocaryon irritans infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 43, 142-149.

3. Mo, Z.Q., Zhou, L., Zhang, X., Gan, L., Liu, L., Dan, X.M., 2015b. Outbreak of Edwardsiella tarda infection in farm-cultured giant mottled eel Anguilla marmorata in China. Fisheries Science. 81, 899-905.

4. Mo, Z.Q., Chen, R.A., Li, Y.W., Huang, X.Z., Li, A.X., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2015c. Characterization and expression analysis of two novel CCR6 chemokine receptors and their three potential ligands CCL20Ls of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) post Cryptocaryon irritans infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 47, 280-288.

5. Mo, Z.Q., Jiang, B., Lai, X.L., Wu, H.C., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., Li, Y.W., 2021a. Characterization and functional analysis of hybrid pearl gentian grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus♂ × Epinephelus fuscoguttatus♀) complement C3 against Cryptocaryon irritans infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports. 2, 100032.

6. Mo, Z.Q., Wang, J.L., Han, R., Han, Q., Li, Y.W., Sun, H.Y., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2018a. Identification and functional analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) B-cell linker protein BLNK. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 81, 399-407.

7. Mo, Z.Q., Xu, S., Cassidy-Hanley, D.M., Li, Y.W., Kolbin, D., Fricke, J.M., Li, A.X., Clark, T.G., Dan, X.M., 2019a. Characterization and immune regulation role of an immobilization antigen from Cryptocaryon irritans on groupers. Scientific Reports. 9, 1029.

8. Mo, Z.Q., Li, Y.W., Wang, H.Q., Wang, J.L., Ni, L.Y., Yang, M., Lao, G.F., Luo, X.C., Li, A.X., Dan, X.M., 2016a. Comparative transcriptional profile of the fish parasite Cryptocaryon irritans. Parasit & Vectors. 9, 630.

9. Mo, Z.Q., Yang, M., Wang, H.Q., Xu, Y., Huang, M.Z., Lao, G.F., Li, Y.W., Li, A.X., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2016b. Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) BCR signaling pathway was involved in response against Cryptocaryon irritans infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 57, 198-205.

10. Mo, Z.Q., Wang, J.L., Yang, M., Ni, L.Y., Wang, H.Q., Lao, G.F., Li, Y.W., Li, A.X., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2017. Characterization and expression analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) co-stimulatory molecules CD83 and CD80/86 post Cryptocaryon irritans infection. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 67, 467-474.

11. Mo, Z.Q., Han, Q., Zeng, Y.L., Wang, J.L., Li, X.Z., Li, Y.W., Sun, H.Y., Li, A.X., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2018b. Molecular characterization and function analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) Bruton's tyrosine kinase BTK. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 77, 91-99.

12. Mo, Z.Q., Lai, X.L., Wang, W.T., Chen, H.P., He, Z.C., Han, R., Wang, J.L., Luo, X.C., Li, Y.W., Dan, X.M., 2020. Identification and characterization of c-raf from orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 96, 311-318.

13. Mo, Z.Q., Wu, H.C., Hu, Y.T., Lu, Z.J., Lai, X.L., Chen, H.P., He, Z.C., Luo, X.C., Li, Y.W., Dan, X.M., 2021b. Transcriptomic analysis reveals innate immune mechanisms of an underlying parasite-resistant grouper hybrid (Epinephelus fuscogutatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 119, 67-75.

14. Mo, Z.Q., Han, R., Wang, J.L., Ni, L.Y., Su, Y.L., Lai, X.L., He, Z.C., Chen, H.P., Li, Y.W., Sun, H.Y., Luo, X.C., Dan, X.M., 2019b. Characterization and functional analysis of grouper (Epinephelus coioides) MEK1 and MEK2. Fish & Shellfish Immunology. 84, 1090-1097.


1.李言伟; 但学明; 莫泽权; 一种刺激隐核虫局部感染斜带石斑鱼鳃组织的免疫模型构建方法

2.李言伟; 但学明; 莫泽权; 一种刺激隐核虫局部感染斜带石斑鱼皮肤的免疫模型构建方法

3.但学明; 李言伟; 莫泽权; 一种刺激隐核虫亚单位疫苗的制备方法及其应用

4.李言伟; 但学明; 王久乐;莫泽权; 何智昌;一种蔗糖悬浮法计数刺激隐核虫包囊的方法

