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Professor Liu Li and associate professor Chen Xiao published research papers in the international top science magazine "Nature".

In April 5th, the international top scientific magazine Nature published a research paper entitled The evolutionary history of vertebrate RNA viruses. Vice professor Chen Xiao and Professor Liu Li were the first author and co author of the paper.

RNA virus is a diverse group of viruses that can cause vertebrates to suffer from a variety of significant diseases, such as influenza, hepatitis C and Ebola virus, but up to now, most attention has been focused on the RNA virus of mammals and birds.


In this study, Professor Liu Li, vice professor Chen Xiao and his research team collected 186 vertebrate specimens, including amphioxus, amphibian frog and reptilian snake from the land and various waters of China, and established a screening system for screening all kinds of viruses by using macro transcriptional technology. The top international level virus detector has found 214 new RNA viruses. Among the viruses of these new hairstyles, there are new families of new viruses that differ greatly from known RNA viruses, and all of the known RNA viruses that can infect vertebrates, including humans. The newly discovered virus greatly fills the gap of Virology knowledge, subverts the existing system of virus classification rules, reveals the genetic evolution of RNA virus, and provides a new basis for revealing the origin and evolution of life.

It is understood that the research results are carried out under the guidance of Zhang Yongzhen, a part-time professor of infectious diseases in China Center for Disease Control and prevention, and a part-time professor at Fudan University. The team of Professor Liu Li and Professor Zhang Yongzhen have been cooperating with the team for nearly ten years. The whole process has been involved in the process of research and co - cultivation of graduate students.


In 2016, vice professor Chen Xiao entered my hospital, now a master's tutor of my college, engaged in marine biology research. In recent years, more than 40 papers have been published by the first author and communication author, and 2 of the national funds have been presided over. Participate in the preparation of 2 volumes of the fish monograph.

It is reported that the publication of this paper is the second time that Professor Chen Xiao has published his research paper in Nature on the identity of co author. In 2016, vice professor Chen Xiao published a research paper entitled Redefining the invertebrate RNA virosphere in Nature, CO first author. This paper is also a revolutionary result under Professor Zhang Yongzhen, which has 1445 new RNA viruses in invertebrates and redefined. The invertebrate RNA virus circle.


Professor Liu Li is the deputy director and doctoral supervisor of the oceanographic college. In the field of scientific research, he has hosted and completed 10 projects, such as the National Natural Science Foundation project, the Guangdong science and technology project, and so on. At present, 1 items of the special sub project of the Ministry of agriculture and the sub project of the national science and technology basic conditions platform construction project of the Ministry of science and technology 1 There are more than 30 academic papers published by the first author or correspondence author, of which more than 10 are included in SCI, and 1 are inventions. In the course of teaching, the curriculum of Microbiology and animal biochemistry of the undergraduate and graduate students, the teaching experience is rich, the 1 items of the provincial educational reform project, the 3 items of the school grade graduate and the undergraduate teaching reform, and the 5 papers of the teaching reform are published. It is the 11th Five-Year national planning textbook for the 2 general higher education. Deputy editor in chief (Animal Biochemistry and animal biochemistry experiment). He was awarded the title of excellent teacher and excellent class teacher.


Nature (Nature), Science (Science) and cell (Cell) are the most advanced academic journals in the world. The number of articles published in each period is limited, and the published articles represent the most advanced and top research results in the related fields. According to statistics, by the beginning of April, Chinese research institutions published nearly 20 CNS articles in 2018. From the scientific research units that publish CNS articles, they are mostly well-known universities, such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Zhejiang University, Zhongshan University, and the major research institutes of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The release of the research results by Professor Liu Li and associate professor Chen Xiao fully demonstrates the level and strength of our institute in scientific research.


oceanography institute

April 10, 2018